"Stroke me," he purred;
but she was too busy with whatever
it is humans think they must do.
So, he climbed up to his favorite spot;
a green, satin pillow close to the window.
A radiant, solar magnet of choice,
And he fluffed his royal robe;
a big, thick tail envied by
many in the neighborhood,
and closed his eyes,
And thought of his human
and the dog down the street
and beautiful Simba next door.
Ah, Simba, fairest feline ever ~

And he becomes King of all Cats,
with Simba as his Queen
The Royals they would be,
Napping in the sun,
Romping in playful bliss;
And she would give him heirs;
But his human comes over and strokes
His Majesty
and he awakens
only for a moment....
then back again
to his Kingdom.

I heard my master say
that my lineage is of a wilder breed;
One not so suited to "fetch"
or to be fenced
or eat food from a can-
I heard my master say
I am born from a place
where you hunt your own meals
and choose only one mate,
and that is for life!

I heard my master say
my brothers sleep under
the stars each night
and travel in pacs
and protect their young;
And they are their OWN masters;
and sing to the moon

Dreams Come True
Into The Night
First Dreams
The Housewife's Escape
A Soldier's Dream
A Calmer Place
I Fly
My God
My Space
Your Thoughts?

Do YOU dream of WINNING?