Thousands of people fill this city
They rush to nowhere
Seems a pity
They just don't see!
They must be blind!
Noise and lights can cloud the mind
It's beautiful out here tonight!
The stars all twinkling
The moon so bright!
My head is filled
With all this glory
Slow down, big city
There's really no hurry..
Look up! Look up!
And you will see
The best there is
Comes casually
Copyright © 1999-2000-2001-2002 B.Stallman
Special heartfelt thanks to AlanJohn-the One and Only

Barely close my eyes
And there he stands ~
Handsome, suave, and debonair
His eyes, his mouth, his hair
His hands ~
Why only in dreams
Must I find him there?
We'll touch..we'll kiss
All night.....the dance
I'd never awaken
If given that chance...
Copyright©1999-2000-2001-2002 B.Stallman

Not me! I'm not going home yet!
I wanna cruise and drive and
Blow out this vet!
Go home? Go to bed now?
Not this chic!
I wanna party and dance
And take in a flic
Sleep is for couples
Who snuggle at home
They're cute and they're sweet...
But they're not
©B.Stallman 1999-2000-2001-2002
Choose Another Dream
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